

Discover FLBI

Pursue your calling


teaching biblical truths

For over 34 years, FLBI has been providing a place for training in the Word of God, equip saints to do the work of the ministry, and prepare ministers.

Location: 8491 Chamberlayne Rd, Richmond, VA 23227

Telephone: (804) 729-0002


Office Hours: M-F: 8am – 5pm

Accredited learning

FLBI’s accreditation is through The Transworld Accrediting Commission International. For over 32 years, Transworld Accrediting Commission is an international, non-governmental, educational accrediting body, federally recognized as a non-profit church organization. Transworld has established high standards of excellence and shared Biblical Doctrine. Transworld accredits and assists theological schools, seminaries, universities, colleges, and programs throughout the world on campus, online, and distance learning.


Online registration is currently available, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Online Registration

FLBI Online provides the student with multiple tools for study and training. These tools help to equip the student with comprehensive teaching and training in the Word of God.

Our School

Two Years, 30 Courses

FLBI offers online study and move at your own pace. FLBI is designed for every believer with every type of schedule and background to receive Biblical instruction, based on God’s Word, to empower and equip.

Personal Development

Developing a greater understanding and knowledge of the Word of God provides a strong foundation to stand on and enables you to live that fulfilled life.

Three-fold Purpose
  • To provide education in the Word of God
  • To equip the saints to do the work of the ministry
  • To prepare ministers
International Studies

FLBI is offered in over 7 countries of the world to continue discipling believers to do the work of the ministry, no matter where they live.

Inmate Correspondence Program

FLBI offers a correspondence version of the 2-year course and diploma to inmates who are wanting to enhance their study of the Word of God. This program is only available for inmates due to restrictions on internet access and time restraints.


Scholarships are available for full and part-time students, veterans, active-duty military, and first responders.




Years Established

Pursue Your Calling

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15