


Course of Study

The basic course of study at FLBI consists of a two-year program. The first year lays the foundation, with a concentration of the basics of Christian doctrine, plus an overview of the Old and New Testaments. The second year guides the student into a deeper study of the Word of God and the practical aspects of ministry.

A certificate is awarded after successful completion of the fifteen (15) first year courses, and a diploma is awarded when the additional fifteen (15) courses from the second year program are completed successfully.

All awards also require the following two (2) qualifications:

  • The student demonstrates Christian character which the school can recommend
  • The student has settled all financial liabilities to the school

Students may choose to complete the two-year program using our online format, or our correspondence format.

FLBI Online Format

FLBI is available online! The fees, curriculum, and requirements for course credits and graduation are outlined throughout our school guidelines under Academics. Courses may be taken at your own pace, as long as the course is completed within 90 days of purchase.

FLBI Correspondence Format (for incarcerated students only)

FLBI is available through a correspondence format. The curriculum and requirements for course credits and graduation are the same as the online school, except that there is no time limit for completion.

Entrance Requirements

The desire to serve God and fulfill His commission is the main requirement for entrance into FLBI. While we do not feel that a high school or college diploma is necessary, the course of study will require sincere commitment from the student, as well as reading and writing skills.


An application form must be completed which includes the Christian Standards of Living. The application form must be submitted prior to the registration deadline.


Registration for online courses is available on demand at Students failing to register during the allotted time will be charged a late fee of $25.

Tuition and Fees

$50 per course


Scholarships are available for full and part-time students, veterans, active-duty military, and first responders.


Auditing of onsite classes is allowed for graduates. We reserve the right to limit audits.


FLBI accepts the transfer of credits from other institutions. Contact the Registrar for details.




Years Established

Pursue Your Calling

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15